

Did you know that according to the website ‘Keep Australia Beautiful
Moving forward, the new AS Urban wall mounted aluminium table/bench setting is not exactly beautiful, but is one of the most functional pieces of...
Ever heard of a ‘pocket park’ sometimes known as a ‘parklet’? Pocket Parks are a compact recreation area that utilises any (often wasted) small...
Bikes, bikes, bikes! I guess when you think of countries known for mass quantities of bicycles, you think firstly of China and the Netherlands. Did...
The new AS Urban Buffalo Bike Rack is a unique space saving bike storage solution for wall mounting over car bonnets or anywhere that suits your...
AS Urban street furniture by Area Safe Products represents ‘Quality Range & Trusted Support’.Have you applied for an online account? If you...
Part of our new 2018 product release, Orbit Series tables and stools are the ideal size and shape for casual outdoor dining. Designed to be surface...
2018 is ushered in with a range of NEW PRODUCTS! These new products include Architectural Concrete Bollards and Concrete Seats /Logs.Pre-cast...
‘Front of house’ areas need best presentation – and with stainless steel bollards you can create your best first impressions by incorporating good...
Did you know that the AS Urban Outwood Series teak furniture is made from some of the finest teak in the world? Outwood teak is not an illegally...
One of the most useful inventions of all time was undoubtedly the wheel, which was invented circa 3,500 B.C. Wheeled bins are recorded from the...
Wall Mounted Hanging Bike Racks are an obvious necessity when it comes to basement or ‘underground’ parking facilities, especially for ‘End of Trip...
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