2018 is ushered in with a range of NEW PRODUCTS! These new products include Architectural Concrete Bollards and Concrete Seats /Logs.Pre-cast...
‘Front of house’ areas need best presentation – and with stainless steel bollards you can create your best first impressions by incorporating good...
Did you know that the AS Urban Outwood Series teak furniture is made from some of the finest teak in the world? Outwood teak is not an illegally...
One of the most useful inventions of all time was undoubtedly the wheel, which was invented circa 3,500 B.C. Wheeled bins are recorded from the...
Wall Mounted Hanging Bike Racks are an obvious necessity when it comes to basement or ‘underground’ parking facilities, especially for ‘End of Trip...
Add contemporary appeal to any outdoor space, courtyard or indoor mall - the Fitzgerald Seat is highly decorative and very durable, featuring...
The Jamison Series Rubbish Bin with its federation (and contemporary) charm has found its way into all types of new and old institutions including...
Do you know that wheelie bins are the most versatile type of rubbish bin in the world? There is so much you can do with the traditional wheelie bin...
Looking for a quality commercial grade bike storage rack at low cost? Area Safe sports a great range of compact bike racks that help make the most...
Did you know that Area Safe Skateboard Deterrents help to: 1. Reduce the possible liability for property owners who may be held responsible...
Are you continually frustrated with the mess birds make on everything beneath their favourite roosting and landing places? Bird droppings not only...
Do you need to maximise your (limited) space for bicycle parking? Area Safe sports a great range of compact bike racks that help make the most...
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