FAQ - What is the best location to put a rubbish bin?

Did you know that one of the biggest frustrations to shoppers is a lack of bins, or bins that cannot be easily located? What is the best position for a rubbish or recycling bin? You might be asking yourself many questions like this, and the following factors all enter into the planning to reduce unwanted litter.

Internal Bins should be positioned:

  • Close to the source of rubbish (e.g. kitchen/cafeteria, washroom),
  • Near entry and exit doors, reception foyers and waiting rooms).
  • Just off the main walkway (not where it could be an obstruction).
  • Neat but not inconspicuous – a bin should stand out but factored into the décor. (If a bin can’t be seen quickly, the rubbish will likely get tossed).

External Bins should be positioned:

  • Close to the source of rubbish (e.g. lunch area/ cafeteria, washroom, grandstands & sports fields, playgrounds, car parks, bus stops and other transport hubs).
  • Near entry and exit doors, reception foyers and waiting rooms).
  • Not so far apart that people won’t walk to them. Recommended spacing is 10-20m apart.
  • Close to a pathway.
  • Near to a corner or crossway.
  • Neat but not inconspicuous. (If a bin can’t be seen quickly, the rubbish will likely get tossed).

Contact Us to discuss your requirements on 1300 889 821.

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